Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The F Word (Fail)

Ever have an academic-related nightmare? It can mess you up.

I woke up the other day in a panic, mixing up my dream with actual reality. I had dreamt I was at the university and had found out that all my changes I had made to my schedule in early September never went through! I was enrolled in classes which I never attended and the papers and assignments I had written were for classes I was never properly enrolled in. I went to the Registrar's Office to explain, but of course (being a nightmare) there was no sympathy. The window had closed of when I could drop classes so I was stuck with the zeroes and all my assignments that had been completed didn't account for anything.

Now, what's worse than having a nightmare is having one that lingers when you wake up. The anxiety is still there and even though I knew it was a dream, I still had to check webadvisor just to make sure everything was in order.

Anyone else have these kind of nightmares lately?

I'm terrified of finding out I'm enrolled in a class that I can't get out of because the window of opportunity to drop out has closed! I' m sure I'm doing well in my classes, but being enrolled in all 6 credit courses I have yet to learn my marks to ease my paranoia.

The nightmare got me thinking. Assuming I'm doing worse than I actually am (always looking at the glass half-empty) what's the worst that could happen? Try to ease the pain of failing by telling myself there are worse things and that the situation isn't as bad as I think. Well, I fail I take the course over again. Not so bad. A waste of time, but not the end of the world! I mean, on a scale of one to ten, if failing a class is nine on the list, I'd have to wonder if you're priorities are in order and where on a scale an unfortunate death or illness would rank.

Nothing is as bad as it seems after the initial shock. Here's hoping it stays a nightmare and not a warning of things to come!

I like changing the glass from half-empty to, ... well, not half-full, more just in the middle.

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