Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm here!

My last entry was January 28th?!


It's been really busy the last couple of weeks. I just got out of uni at 11:30pm tonight (and it's Sunday - the day before Reading Week!) I want to say next year I won't be involved as much with extra-currics, focus more on my studies but it probably won't turn out that way.

I had an amazing time in Pennsylvania last weekend with NUSA (Nipissing University Student Amabassadors) The conference was a blast, the experience for a first-time travel to the States was memorable and the people I met were hilarious! The downside? I returned with a nasty infection. Non-contagious, just a fluke that it settled by my heart. Not serious anymore though! I was hospitalized, released and given these huge horse pills that I have to take 3 times a day.

It's all part of the experience I guess.

I've also been hardcore into "Your mom" jokes recently.

Just thought I'd update.

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