Monday, August 4, 2008

An Introduction

So, I'm blogging! A warning now, this is just a quick introduction. I've been meaning to start this for the NU Blog competition but whenever I tried to start one I drifted to other things. I'm staying anonymous for the simple fact that if nobody knows who I am, I'll be honest. I need that. I rarely have an opportunity to express myself without filtering what I'm saying and when I do I get uncomfortable talking. I start to go through this awkward series of events which start with rubbing the back of my neck, avoiding glances and finishes off with a stutter. I prefer to be a friend than to have one, if that makes any sense. I'm here because I need this, to say what I need to without having to go through those stages. Also for the contest, of course!

I'm a 21 year old student going to university. I want to say that my major is English, but then my spelling and grammar will be judged by people who do that.

Blogger: I thought you were an English major.
Me: I am
Blogger: Your last entry had twenty-two spelling mistakes and you ended a sentence with a preposition.
Me: (editing blog) No, no I didn't. Go check for yourself.

That's just not cool. I'm blogging on the internet, not writing an article for the New York Times.

I have no idea what kind of style I'm going to do. I doubt I'll just be talking about my life in general, that would bore even me! I don't know yet. I don't even think that's proper etiquette to discuss. Forget it. I could delete it, but then the last ten minutes of me staring at this computer screen trying to make this entry a bit longer would have been in vain.

I'm off, later!

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