Saturday, August 23, 2008

Why Can't I Think Up A Name?!

Well, the summer of 2008 is almost over so I did what anybody in my situation would do - I took a week off from work to enjoy it! I've been working all summer with little to no time to do anything really worthwhile. I've been counting down the days to school but now that we only have two weeks left (give or take a day or two) I found myself in need to enjoy the summer. My plans until the 28th - calm down, relax and enjoy the weather! Granted it's not the most exciting week, but I plan to enjoy it anyways! Once the week is over I'll only have 4 shifts left!

Again, I have no direction with this blog. I sat down at my desk, started listening to a song I had stuck in my head (if anyone cares it was 'Everyday' by Bon Jovi) and thought to myself, 'I need to post in my blog before the week is up.' I'm trying to stay consistant by posting once a week but if I keep with that I'll probably run out of things to say by late September! I'm going to start sketching out an outline for my blogs ...

So! I went up the the University the other day and paid for some books! My list, however vanished. I discovered this as I was roaming the shelves, second guessing myself on what books where actually on the list. With a finacial burden on my shoulders at the moment, well at least until OSAP comes to the rescue, I only felt confident in one bundle which I picked up for British Literature. I arrived home and found the list on my desk. I don't know how that happened ...

Oh! I found out that Stuart McLean will be performing at the Capitol Centre on October 23rd! For those of you who don't know, Stuart McLean is the the author of the Vinyl Cafe, awesome stuff! Definitely a night well worth the pricy tickets. Here's a link if you want to check it out (you have to select 'Stuart McLean in the performance option):

That's all I've got. Enjoy the last bit of your summer!


athena said...

my dad just saw stuart mclean in manitoba and he said that the tickets were well worth every penny.

Ian Wassink said...

There are book lists posted throughout the Campus Shop as well on the shelves just in case you leave yours at home (I know, I know, where was I a few days ago with this info).

Also, Stuart McLean is a neat and funny fellow. Even with his skinny head.