Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Somebody infected me recently. I don't know who. It could have been the faceless cough in my Shakespeare lecture. It could have been someone sniffling for an hour in the OSAP line. It could very well have been a professor. Either way, I'm not impressed.

I'm feeling much better now though. I woke up this morning with a horrible headache and a sore throat which led to a hacking cough. I thought I was going to cough up a lung! Either way, I wasn't going to miss lecture today. I figured I could suppress the cough for an hour.

The thing is, when you don't want to cough, it's all you think about. You don't want to be that person who is hacking for the entire lecture. I refuse to be that person. So, when the tickle in the back of my throat urged a cough, I thought I'd let a small one out, unnoticed. It worked. But that cough only allowed for another tickle to arise much fast. I wasn't going to let it out. I held my breath and swallowed.

When you cough, you exhale. I had held my breath for a bit over a minute before the urge became too powerful to ignore and before I could stop it I coughed. Well, it was like a cough. I had to breathe in the same time I coughed so what came out, not only hurt but made a pretty disgusting sound. It was sort of like letting a large breath out underwater.

So this is my open apology to my fellow students in my lecture. I know only a few people around me heard it and politely ignored it, but I apologize for being "that person"

67/228 - Evelyn Waugh 'A Handful of Dust'

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